Things to Do

100 Things To Do in Jindabyne – Click Here to See an Excellent Guide of Activities. Plenty to Choose From!!


From Jindabyne you have a choice of both resorts, Thredbo and Perisher/BlueCow/Guthega. In bad weather conditions you can choose to travel via the Ski Tube.

It is the end of the skiing day when Jindabyne really shines. The weather is usually warmer and dryer than in the resorts. So, you can more easily go out for a coffee, a drink, or a meal. But if a night at the Lodge is your thing, then the well-stocked Woolworths supermarket is the perfect place to buy supplies for the evening.

And the winter nights at Jindabyne are still cold and crisp making the lounge room a great place to sit, talk, enjoy a wine or two, and tell stories of the day.

The efficient drying room is ideal as part of the preparations for the next day.


The district offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities ranging from lake, river, creek and dam waters. It is some of the finest trout fishing in Australia. You will need a fishing license.
Locally Lake Jindabyne provides bait, lure and fly both from shore and probably the more productive boat fishing. A good shop for advice is Lakeside Lures and tackle near the Alpine Way junction.
All rivers in the area are ‘blue ribbon’. Which means no bait fishing. The Thredbo River provides creek style fishing at Dead Horse Gap through to large river fishing as from Ngarigo campsite down to where it enters Lake Jindabyne. Smaller rivers like the Mowamba River on the Barry Way can be productive fly fishing.  
Going higher to the Perisher area there are numerous mountain creeks, namely, Perisher, Diggers, Rock and Spencers Creek plus the Snowy River above Guthega Dam. The fish are beautifully coloured and feisty. Be wary of fishing below Guthega as water releases are substantial with no warning. These rivers are set in stunning alpine landscape. There is now a walk along The Snowy from Charlottes Pass. For a picturesque lake try Rainbow Lake near the Smiggins turnoff. It’s a 2.5km gentle walk in. Take a swim on a hot day.

 Local guides are available or ask for advice at the High Country Outfitters in Jindabyne or Alpine Anglers near Cooma.
If you are up for a longer drive there’s the Eucumbene Lake and River near Adamindaby or heading towards Tumut there’s the Tumut and Murrumbidgee Rivers.   

Bike Riding

Mountain Bike Riding is a huge and growing activity in the area. A focus point for the activity is the Mountain at Thredbo where, in summer, you see streams of riders hitching their bikes to the chairlift ready to take on the big descent back into the valley. Hugely popular these days (but check that your health policy includes injuries during periods of insanity).

A second focus is the Thredbo Valley Track from Thredbo and now extended to the Gaden Trout Hatchery outside of Jindabyne. A super long track with options for various level of ability.


So many great walks to choose from! You really need to extend your stay at the Lodge! So how about these as a small selection.

Australian Alps Walking Track. The AAWT runs from deep in Victoria, through the Main Range area, north to Kiandra, and onto near Canberra. More than 600km but with plenty of access points from which to do shorter 3-5 day pack walks. Lots of fun walks near the Main Range! Like looking for Consett Stephen Pass in the fog, trying to find the way off the Rolling Ground, and wet nights in the Schlink Hilton Hut.

Main Range Walk. Charlotte Pass, down across the Snowy River, up to Carruthers Peak, across the Main Range above Lake Albina, up Etheridge, to Mt Kosciuszko itself. Everything is a highlight on this walk. But probably the pick is the view of the Sentinel and western tiers of the Main Range (hold onto your hat as it always blows here). Also, the views from above Lake Albina are special. Mt Kosciuszko and the crowd is an anti-climax after the wonderful main range. Easiest return is via the road to Charlotte Pass. Some people name this as the best day walk in Australia. About 20km for the day.

Mt Stilwell. A short walk from the car park at Charlotte Pass to a superb viewpoint. Many people hike up the Koscie road from the car park but this gem is shorter and offers better views. Not to be missed in December and January for the range of alpine flowers on display.

Big Boggy and the Cascades. This walk starts from the AAWT track head past Thredbo but just short of Dead Horse Gap. Walk a couple of km along the creek with great views back to Ramshead. Cross the creek on the metal bridge and the road starts up Bobs Ridge. From here, either stop, make a cup of tea, and enjoy the great views. Or if you want something harder continue to the top of Bobs Ridge and down to Cascade Hut (makes the walk about 18km return).

Thredbo Valley and Ramshead. Did you know that a circular walk can be (almost) downhill all the way. This walk is! Park at the same car park as the Big Boggy walk (i.e., just short of Dead Horse Gap). But this time cross the road and follow the Thredbo Valley walk down to Thredbo. Nice scenery and excellent spot for alpine flowers. When you reach Thredbo, buy a ticket on the chairlift, and go to the top. Do NOT pass the Eagles Nest Cafe. Order a coffee, and strudel to power your downhill walking. Continue up on the track to Mt Kosciuszko turning left onto the Ramshead track. A little uphill from here (you did insist on having ice cream with your strudel) before the track turns downhill and eventually back to your car. Voila! A circular walk that is downhill (almost) all the way.

Mt Kosciuszko via Thredbo. Everyone needs to walk to the top of Mt Koscie at least once. The easiest way is to get the chairlift from Thredbo (see previous comments about coffee and strudel) and join the procession on the mainly metal mesh walkway to Rawsons Pass and then up to the summit (if you can find a spot to stand). The toilet at Rawsons Pass is notable as Australia’s highest dunny and could have been our most costly. Return to Thredbo, and you can now buy your “I climbed Mt Kosciuszko” certificate!

Charlotte Pass to Guthega. This is a new walk following the Snowy River along to Guthega. Really great scenery along the way and an absolute must to do. Length is 9km with a few ups and downs but overall downhill. Only drawback is that you need transport out of Guthega.

Sight Seeing

Jindabyne is the start of two of the best scenic drives in Australia.

Firstly, the Alpine Way from Jindabyne, past Thredbo, Dead Horse Gap and to Khancoban. Some awesome places on the way and many must-stop locations. Leatherbarrel Creek is a very fine spot to enjoy a running creek and the mountain air. Tom Groggin offers great spots to camp and a swim in the Murray River. Geehi Flat has lots of camping spots, a river ideal for a swim and a terrific view up to the Main Range. Scammells Ridge Lookout has superb views, and a lookout fit for royalty (it was actually opened by the Queen).

Secondly, the Barry Way, from Jindabyne through Ingebyra (a property not a town), down Jacobs Ladder, and along the once mighty Snowy River eventually going into Victoria. Much of the road is dirt and can be a bit rough at times but always an awesome drive. Places to stop are Wallace Craigie Lookout (great view of the road to come), Pinch River (good spot for lunch and a swim) and onto Jacks Lookout. A really top day return trip from the Lodge!

A pretty nice way to spend part of a day in summer is to drive to Charlotte Pass, with or without a walk from that point. Lots of nice spots to stop on the way, such as Thredbo River, Sawpit Creek, Perisher, and Spencers Creek. A nice return is via the Link Road (dirt) from Smiggin Holes, across to the Guthega Road and back via that road. And don’t forget to turn via the Waste Point Road to Creel Bay for a swim in Lake Jindabyne.

Swimming, Kayaking and Water Activities

Lots of choice for water activities at Jindabyne – a whole lake full of choice.

The Lake hosts lots of sailing and water skiing, even hosting some Australian championships. It is a great venue for rowing and there are summer camps for the elite rowing people.

For swimming, there is quick access to the lake from near the Lodge. Walk down the driveway, turn right and continue about 100m. Walk through the vacant block on the left and onto a track going down to the shore of the lake. Take care as the water gets deep very quickly (and can be cold).

A popular swimming spot is town beach. Drive through town to the big roundabout (The Barry Way junction) and take the (minor road) right turn down to the Lake. Good spot for a kayak from here as you can reach and explore the two small islands in the lake.

My favourite spot is Creel Bay. Take the Perisher road, past the Thredbo River picnic area and take the road to Waste Point. Creel Bay is signposted and is a lovely spot for a summer swim. Great spot for kayaking as well as the launch is easy and there is great scenery as you paddle into the Thredbo River.

Horse Riding

Plenty of horse riding tours in the Snowy area. Take your pick from those listed on the VisitNSW Website. There is also the Jindabyne Equestrian Resort which offers activities (but stay with us).